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[Passage to posterity] Tadasu-no-noh has been published

The Shimogamo Shrine Tadasuno Preservation Society will hold a ceremony on Saturday, May 25, 2024 at the Tadasu no Mori of Kamo Mizu Shrine (Shimogamo Shrine), a World Cultural Heritage Site.No.9th inning We will be holding a


"Tadasu-noh"This is the 34th annual ceremony at Kamo Mioya Shrine, which was held about 550 years ago in 1464 in the presence of Shogun Yoshimasa Ashikaga and other prominent feudal lords. It was rebuilt for the first time in 550 years during the Sengu (2015). It is an outdoor Noh performance set in the Maiden (Important Cultural Property) of Kamo Mioya Shrine.In 2019, it was changed to "Tadasu-noh" as the afterglow of the Kamo Festival (Aoi Matsuri Festival) to commemorate the Grand Encyclopedia of Reiwa, and is held every year. We have been holding this event.


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