Content/event information

[Matcha Tea Making Experience] Uji Matcha Journey: A traditional experience connected to the SDGs

SustainabilityEducational travel Inquiry program

Welcome to the "Uji Matcha Journey".
In this program, you will learn about the manufacturing process of Uji matcha and discover its connection to the SDGs through the experience of making matcha with your own hands. First, you will visit the museum to explore the entire process from tea cultivation to production, and how Uji tea became a brand. Next, you will experience the traditional manufacturing process of matcha in an experiential class led by a Japanese tea instructor. Through this journey, you will discover how a cup of matcha is connected to the earth and deepen your understanding of the SDGs.

Features of this plan

  • [Program content]

    <Museum guided tour>
    ・Learn about the entire process from tea cultivation to blending and manufacturing.
    ・Learn about how Uji tea became a brand.
    ・Learn about the professions of tea production from the artisans and tea farmers involved in Uji tea production.


    <Lecture in the conference room>
    - Lectures on traditional culture, taste and health benefits, supplementary museum explanations, Q&A session


    <Matcha making experience using a tea mill> (Experience class by a Japanese tea instructor)
    ・Experience the traditional matcha manufacturing process.
    ・We will have the participants brew matcha that they have ground themselves and matcha that they have bought at the store, and experience the difference in taste.
    ・You will learn about the health benefits and experience the role of tea and sweets.
    ・There will be additional explanations about the museum and time for questions and answers.
    ・You will learn the differences between matcha from Uji and other regions.

  • [Program schedule example]

    45 minutes at the museum + 30 minutes for lectures and preparation + 60 minutes for matcha making experience


    10:00~ ①Museum guided tour

    10:45~ ②Preparation for lecture and matcha making experience in the conference room

    11:15~ ③Matcha making experience using a tea mill

  • [Inquiries]
    Kyoto Educational Research Program Office
    Phone number: 075-284-0171
    Email address:
    Business hours: 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. (excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays)

SDGs area of this content

  • 4.質の高い教育をみんなに
  • 13.気候変動に具体的な対策を
  • 15.陸の豊かさも守ろう

Tour overview

Possible implementation period
Available all year round
Time required
Between 9:00 and 17:00, approximately 2 hours and 30 minutes
Implementation site
Museum and experience room in the Tea and Uji Town Historical Park Community Center (Chazuna)
High school students: ¥4,300

Elementary and junior high school students: 4,000 yen
Number of participants
Approximately 20 to 120 people (If there are more than 40 people, we will work on a shift system, so please contact us for details)


・Learn about the history and cultural background of Uji matcha.
・Find out the manufacturing process of Uji matcha.
・Think about SDGs that are related to matcha production (good health and well-being, sustainable production and consumption, industry and technological innovation, strengthening local communities, etc.).

[On-site learning]

・Learn about the different types of tea and the entire process of Uji tea, from cultivation to blending and production.
・We will develop a professional outlook for matcha production among artisans and tea farmers involved in Uji tea production, and have them think about their relationship with matcha production (present to future).
You will be able to taste the difference between matcha that you have ground yourself and matcha that you have bought at a store. (We cannot accommodate more than 20 people due to time constraints, so we can only accommodate one cup at a time.)
・You will also learn about the role of tea and sweets.
・Learn about the health benefits.


・Think about the social role and significance of Uji matcha.
- We will consider why Uji tea, which is not produced in large quantities, has managed to maintain its status as a high-end brand.
・We will consider how to make the culture of Uji matcha sustainable in terms of production and consumption.
・We will create posters for Uji matcha and catchy slogans for the matcha-making experience as a way of expressing the difference between the image of matcha taste that people have had up until now and the Uji matcha that they have actually tasted.
・Discuss the SDGs goals discussed in advance.

SDGs area of this content

  • 4.質の高い教育をみんなに
  • 13.気候変動に具体的な対策を
  • 15.陸の豊かさも守ろう