Content/event information

Zero CO2 Travel®


"CO2Zero Travel®”This is a method to reduce CO2 emissions during travel using the J-Credit Scheme.2This is a plan to offset (carbon offset)

By purchasing the value of green electricity, you can reduce the CO2 emissions you make while traveling to virtually zero. CO2 emissions are now a major global issue, as can be seen from the efforts of the SDGs set by the United Nations. This program was born from the desire to "leave a beautiful Earth, even if only a little, for our future children." In order to concretely tackle climate change... As a first step, why not start taking concrete action against "climate change" while traveling?

"CO₂ Zero Travel®" is a registered trademark of JTB.


What is carbon offsetting?

CO emitted in daily life2This system offsets these losses by investing in greenhouse gas reduction and absorption projects through the purchase of carbon credits.


What is the J-Credit Scheme?

The J-Credit Scheme is a scheme to reduce CO emissions through proper forest management.2and CO2 emissions from the use of renewable energy.2This is a system in which the government certifies the amount of emission reductions and the introduction of energy-saving equipment as "credits." This system is operated by the government.


The illustration is here


■Contact us

LINK KYOTO Secretariat


TEL: 075-365-7730

*Please ask for "CO2-free travel consultation."



SDGs area of this content

  • 7.エネルギーをみんなに そしてクリーンに
  • 13.気候変動に具体的な対策を

Tour overview

Implementation period
All year round
Time required
In principle, this is intended for domestic travel.
If you are overseas, please contact us.
Number of participants
Group tours handled by JTB are possible for any number of people.

SDGs area of this content

  • 7.エネルギーをみんなに そしてクリーンに
  • 13.気候変動に具体的な対策を