Content/event information

Kawamura Noh Stage Noh Interesting Lecture

unique venueEducational travel Inquiry program

A special place called Kyoto, a Noh stage built on the site of the Hana-no-Imperial Palace
Would you like to experience a secret that has been around for 650 years?


Was Zeami the original idol boy?Starting with an interesting story about Noh, you will practice singing, experience how to walk and move in Noh, and see and wear gorgeous Noh costumes up close.He is a mysterious Noh mask and a Noh accompaniment that is as good as an orchestra.
There is something like the spine of the Japanese, such as straightening the collar and stretching the back that we usually forget.
Why don't you explore the cultural business model that has continued for about 650 years since the Muromachi period?
Also, let's rediscover the goodness of Japan by experiencing realizations and learning.


Unique points
Representatives (about 10 people) will actually go up to the Noh stage and learn how to stand and walk in Noh.
There are also experiences of playing musical instruments and dressing up in gorgeous Noh costumes.
Put on a Noh mask and experience how a Noh actor dances.
If the Kawamura Noh stage cannot be used, it can be performed at another stage or accommodation.

Features of this plan

  • Nohgaku interesting lecture


    When you hear the word "Noh," what image do you have?
    Noh is a world intangible cultural heritage that has continued for nearly 700 years since the Muromachi period.
    The ``Nohgaku Interesting Course'' includes stories related to Nohgaku, singing lessons,
    Through the introduction of masks and Japanese musical instruments, and the appreciation of Nohgaku accompanied by ohayashi,
    This is a program that allows you to come into contact with traditional Japanese culture and experience a time and space that is different from everyday life.
    This Noh stage is located on the former site of the Hana no Gosho near the Kyoto Imperial Palace, and is different from the traditional Noh theater viewing event.
    You can experience an experiential and participatory program.

    [Program content]

    ① Noh lecture
    In response to the comment, ``It seems you understand?'', we provide easy-to-understand and interesting explanations.

    “That’s right!” I was convinced!

    ②Singing lesson

    The lesson begins with a greeting that begins and ends with a bow.

    here we go! Let's all express the scenery and situations of the story in song.

    ➂Let's learn about Noh masks!

    Men are also called ``Omote'' even though they are ``Noodles''.

    By tilting the face and creating subtle shadows, you can express your emotions.

    You can feel the expressive power of ``mask'' up close.

    ④Noh music workshop and experience

    Experience the world of Japanese musical instruments that you don't usually have the chance to see or hear.

    Let's pretend to be a performer and play the drum!

    ⑤Experience wearing Noh costumes (representative only)

    After seeing the gorgeously woven and embroidered Noh costumes, you can try on the kimono.

    Let's actually walk around wearing a Noh mask!

    I wonder if I can walk well wearing a Noh mask because the visibility is narrow?

    ⑥Nohgaku viewing (about 10 minutes)

    Let's enjoy Noh using all five senses!

    *Some changes may occur depending on the set time.

Tour overview

Implementation period
April 1th, 2023 - March 31th, 2024
Implementation site
Kawamura Noh Stage (Kamigyo Ward, Kyoto City)
*If the Kawamura Noh Stage is not available, it may be held at another stage or at your accommodation.

Usage overview

Available time

8:30~ (Final start 20:00)

・Time required: Approximately 1 hour to 1 hour 30 minutes

Seating capacity

・Maximum capacity: 250 people
*Applications must be made for 4 or more people.


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【Contact Us】

LINK KYOTO Secretariat (inside JTB Kyoto Branch)

TEL:075-365-7730 (Weekdays 9:30-17:30)

*Closed on Saturdays, Sundays, holidays, and New Year holidays


Equipment outline

Name of facility
Kawamura Noh stage
320-14 Yanagizuko-cho, Karasuma Kamidachi Salesu, Kamigyo-ku, Kyoto City
Access information
Approximately 30 minutes from JR Kyoto Station
Approximately 5 minutes walk from the subway “Imadegawa Station”